
I am Sumedh.

I am a graduate student in Computer Science, specializing in Machine Learning, at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I graduated with my B.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in May 2022, with a minor in Music Technology, and have interned at three Fortune 500 companies (Coca-Cola, Bank of America, NCR). This fall, I am serving as a Teaching Assistant for CS 3600, or Intro to Artificial Intelligence. Outside of everything already mentioned, I'm also a producer, DJ, singer, and rapper under the name Fly Montag, and you can listen to some of my discography in the widget to the right!

This site is under construction, so I will provide more information and examples of my work later, but you can explore some of the websites I've designed, access my Github and Devpost profiles, and view my most recent resume! More features coming soon.